Thursday, 28 April 2016

True Scale Napoleonic Hussars

Regulars here may know that we have a horse, Cosmi, who has been helping me learn to ride over the last few years. Naturally, as someone interested in military history, I've also been working towards mastering mounted skill at arms. Last Saturday saw me at Action Horses near Hull for training with my British Napoleonic reenactment unit - the 15th or Kings Light Dragoons (Hussars).

After scaring some cabbages myself, I dismounted to take a few pictures of the chaps in action, which I thought you might enjoy. It was a training session, so please excuse the odd irregularity in dress and equipment:

Plenty more photos of this marvellous unit can also be found  on Facebook:

We'll be in full rig for a skill at arms display at the Light Dragoons Tricentenary next month. So more photos in due course...

Friday, 22 April 2016

Elizabethgrad Hussars c.1812

My first batch of Russian Hussars. These are painted to represent the Elizabethgrad Regiment - second rankers. No lances, so pelisses are worn by all ranks.

28mm figures made by Perry Miniatures