Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Imperial Germans VI

1st Grenadier Regiment is now good to go, with supporting artillery battery and uhlans from both the Bde Cavalry Squadron and 2nd Cavalry Bde:

These were the last of 2014's Germans to roll off the painting conveyor belt:

So time to move onto 41st Infantry Regiment...

Saturday, 27 December 2014

Valois light horse

A small unit (in Hail Caesar terms) of Valois light horse.

I might add the odd crossbow in time to allow them to be used as mounted crossbowmen.

Perry Minis painted as part of the Constable of France's retinue c.1415 (flag to follow).

Friday, 26 December 2014

Imperial Germans V

The Field Artillery are finally ready:

Working as a single battery under the rules, but tassels painted to represent the first and second batteries of a Prussian first field artillery battalion.

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Imperial Germans IV

The third and final Grenadier battalion rolls off the painting tray, which just leaves the artillery battery to do to complete the first half of the brigade:

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Onwards to Agincourt

Some more pieces for my 1415 armies - 28mm Perry metals as usual.

Plantagenet archers:

 Valois MAA:

And a disordered marker:

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Twenty First Velites - Heklion Faustus

'Velites!' Fautus cried out so as to be heard above the thunderous battle. At the summit of the stairs, the hair fled from his face in streaks of white as the wind tugged at it, and his eyes flashed sapphire-blue in the reflected flare of the distant lightening. It was easy to follow men like Faustus, and Faustus knew the importance of never being afraid to demonstrate that. He raised his drawn gladius. Come the assault, he would sheath it again, but for now it served  solid purpose in cementing his image and invigorating his men. 'We blood them now!'

Monday, 8 December 2014

Hundred Years War Revisited

This weekend I dropped back from the WotR to do some long overdue work on the final units of my Plantagenet and Valois Hundred Years War armies:

The last of the Valois Knights:

And three more Border Horse to allow the nine man unit to work properly under Hail Caesar Rules:

Friday, 21 November 2014

Mostly Medieval - More news on the Perry HYW Plastics

Hot off the press from the Twins: '...first shots of the Men at Arms for the English Army( Agincourt to Orleans) frame back from Renedra.'

Another batch of revolting peasants from me this week, as well as a random Death Guard Apothecary!

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Good news for medieval fans!

I've still enough unpainted metal versions to keep me going for a while yet, but this can only help those looking to build a new and quality medieval army at a competitive price. Then there are all the conversion opportunities :-)

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Twenty First Velites - Jet Bikes WIP

Whilst Nick Kyme's narrative in Rebirth only mentions to a thirty strong unit of scouts under Centurion Heklion Faustus, it seems apt that his light company would also include jetbikes and speeders.

So here is a WIP of a small unit of the jet bikes:

Once these are finished, it'll be back to painting the scouts...

Monday, 10 November 2014


A unit of light horse for my growing Wars of the Roses forces for Lion Rampant. These are metals by the twins and were a joy to paint (I actually finished them last week and they've seen some action now, but life got in the way of taking photos!)

The lack a livery badge as yet, but the red coats make them suitable for either Devon or Warwick :-)

Monday, 3 November 2014


So another new short from Black Library. The bumpf says, 


Chagrined by his defeat at the hands of Jaghatai Khan, Mortarion abandons the pursuit of the White Scars and instead leads the Death Guard in a spiteful, punitive rampage across the systems of the Prosperine empire. World after world has fallen to this horrific onslaught, and yet the insular and secretive primarch seems preoccupied by some other, unspoken goal. Finally, on Terathalion, the truth of Mortarion’s sinister heritage will be exposed, and the future of the XIV Legion will be written...


The Death Guard have already embraced treachery, but this story follows their Primarch as he continues upon the road that will eventually doom his Legion to a plague-wracked damnation.
Although by definition 'short', this piece serves to fill in some of the gaps between Mortarion's appearances in Scars and Vengeful Spirit, as well as providing some more tantalising glimpses of the Emperor's long term plan for mankind - or perhaps his manipulation of his primarchs for the greater good. Wheels within wheels.

Saturday, 11 October 2014

Garviel Loken

Despite finishing of the other half of the Forge World diorama late last year, the captain of the 10th company of the Sons of Horus has been hanging around awaiting some love. So here he finally is:

And the finished diorama:

More Men-at-Arms

Some reinforcements for the houses of Northumberland and Somerset for an upcoming Wars of the Roses game with the new Lion Rampant rules.

Bog standard Perry metals:

Monday, 29 September 2014

Twenty First Velites: Heklion Faustus

Every once and a while you read something that just has to be turned into a gaming unit. I had just this experience whilst reading Rebirth, the new 40K era Salamanders novel by Nick Kyme.

The enemy commander is a warlord of the Black Legion and sometime Luna Wolf. There's a lovely little piece that describes him leading his men in action in support of the assault of the 'Emperor's Palace' featured in Horus Rising.

During this action, Heklion Faustus is centurion of the Twenty-First Velites, a scout company of the Luna Wolves. The brief prologue provides enough detail on Fautus and his thirty strong force to have spurred me to recreate them in the early stages of the HH. So they will eventually be in Sons of Horus livery.

First up is the centurion himself, a kit-bash who can serve either as a Vigilator or commander of the recon section. I have chosen an unusual pose for vigilator/recon commander, but Nick's text provided my inspiration, and I am aiming to catch the moment as he draws his galdius,

'Velites!' Fautus cried out so as to be heard above the thunderous battle. At the summit of the stairs, the hair fled from his face in streaks of white as the wind tugged at it, and his eyes flashed sapphire-blue in the reflected flare of the distant lightening. It was easy to follow men like Faustus, and Faustus knew the importance of never being afraid to demonstrate that. He raised his drawn gladius. Come the assault, he would sheath it again, but for now it served  solid purpose in cementing his image and invigorating his men. 'We blood them now!'

The base model is obviously the Legion Champion with the arms coming from the Mk III command set, and the head and cloak from the Mk IV command set. The Mk III vembraces are a little chunky for a recon trooper, but he is a centurion after all! There is still some cleaning up to do before he's ready for undercoating and then there's the rest of the section to assemble. Watch this space ;-)

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Imperial Germans III

Regimental Headquarters of the 12th (Lithuanian) Uhlans - Lithauisches Ulanen-Regiment Nr. 12:

In 1914, as part of 2nd Cavalry Brigade these moved on mobilisation from I Corps to 1st Cavalry Division, which held the left flank for I Corps' assault at the battle of Gumbinnen.

Sunday, 21 September 2014

Imperial Germans II

The Regimental Machine Gun Company (or at least two thirds of it):

With a close-up of one of the crews - not perfect I know, but certainly table ready :-)

The 1st battalion has now been based:

With the 2nd battalion and brigade cavalry hard on its heels, we may even be able to roll some dice soon. Time to get some Russians ready...

Sunday, 14 September 2014

Imperial Germans

With thanks to Mssrs Bickley and Robinson for the inspiration, a return to the Eastern Front c 1914.

First up is the regimental HQ for 1st Grenadier Regiment 'Crown Prince' (1st East Prussian)

A grenadier for the same and the first batch of recruits for 41st Infantry Regiment 'von Boyen' (5th East Prussian)

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Henry Beaufort, 3rd Duke of Somerset

Steady progress on the Late Medieval front with another ten Perry's:

Next up are some more villagers, but first something completely different...

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Back to 1812 and even further!

The first squadron of my next Chasseur á Cheval Regiment (4th). Again by Elite Miniatures:

And the first batch of ten civilians to live in my medieval village (Perry Miniatures):

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Death Guard Sergeant

By special request, some close-up on the new sergeant:

And off for undercoating once it's stopped raining!

Friday, 11 July 2014

Back to the Death Guard

Yet another twenty marine tactical blob. This time with some DG heads and torsos thrown in, as well as the odd IH head, and yes, the sergeant has a scythe!