Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Imperial Germans XI

I've a few additions to share in regards to the Imperial German project.

First up is a second artillery battery:

Another batch of Uhlans for the 9th (2ndPomeranian) Uhlans:

Command Stand - senior infantry officers with attendant cuirassier:

28mm Great War Minis as usual.

I intend to convert come Uhlans into Dragoons to serve as a divisional cavalry squadron, but am other wise holding off in the hop GWMs will release some cuirassiers to allow me to complete the 3rd Cavalry Bde.

A New Year and a New Project

I've been remiss in posting any updates for some time. Moving, buying a house, another horse, another dog, work, and completing my PhD have all taken time away from painting and gaming - nevermind writing about it.

Still, with my WW1 Imperial German force having reached a 'rounded' stage (let's face it, no army is ever really finished!) and only a few units to finish off for the c.1812 Russians, I feel inspired to start something new in both wargaming and living history.

So I bring you, Great War Minitaures' Light Brigade cleaned, based, and ready for undercoating: