Friday, 25 May 2012

Men-at-Arms and stuff

Having found some batteries for the old camera, here are the results of last weekend's work.

First up are some pavises. I did twelve in total for a unit of crossbowmen in the service of Marshal Boucicault c.1414. I bought these pavises long from Front Rank long before the twins had produced the Mercenary box set.

Next up are a couple of men-at arms to finish off a unit of English foot for the same period. I'd originally planned on an eighteen strong unit, but with the new AoA lists and spare figures (one of which was already painted), I took the unit to 21.

Next some more men-at-arms. This time for a new 21-man unit in the livery of Sir Robert Umfraville. there will be more on Sir Robert in my next post when you will see the unit in all its glory! So this is just a taster: